Psoriasis is a disorder that is thought to affect around 1.3-2.2% of the UK population. Psoriasis is a chronic pro-inflammatory illness that is mediated by the immune system. The majority of the effects of Psoriasis are seen in the upper layers of the skin. However, inflammation is found body-wide including within the heart, liver, kidney, and intestines, as well as joints and muscles. Inflammation is present from mild to severe cases of psoriasis. As mentioned above, the most common symptom is related to the skin. Normally skin is replaced every 3-4 weeks, whereas in psoriasis this process happens every 7 days. It is thought that the immune system in a person with psoriasis attacks the healthy skin cells. This can lead to patches of skin which have built up on one another, leading to plaques. Symptoms of Psoriasis Common Symptoms of Psoriasis include: Skin Plaques, commonly found on knees, elbows, scalp and lower back. Sore skin. Swollen and stiff joints. Thickened and ridged nails. Dry, cracked and bleeding skin. Progression of the disease Developing psoriasis as a child is very rare (0.71%). It is much more common past the age of 35 years. More often than not, the person with psoriasis is likely to suffer with other inflammatory disorders such as joint problems. Care for Psoriasis Some areas of psoriasis are difficult treat, these are the areas around face, flexures, genitalia, scalp, palms and soles. This is because psoriasis in this area may affect the way these areas function so require extra care and attention. Treatment of psoriasis can be done in numerous ways. According to the NHS there are 3 options: Topical creams and ointments applied directly to the skin. Phototherapy using UV therapy. Systemic injections or oral medications to work on inflammation throughout the entirety of the body. What Can Vytaliving do to help with Psoriasis? Vytaliving has a number of products to support your problematic skin and ensure it stays healthy and even promote improvements. Healthy Skin Tablets Vytaliving’s Healthy Skin Tablets contain a blend of 9 nutrients and herbals. Including, Vitamin A, B2, B3, Biotin, Iodine, and Zinc. Alongside herbals, turmeric, aloe vera and ginger. These tablets have been shown to maintain healthy normal skin and reduce oxidation caused by free radicals, they promote antioxidant activity. In addition to this, the herbals act as anti-inflammatory ingredients, antioxidants and may even strengthen the body’s natural defences against infection in the dermis. Studies show that even a mild zinc deficiency can worsen eczematous or psoriasis plaque formation. Whereas Retinoids are used in several therapies, systemic or topical, for various skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. One journal entry on nutrition and skin care stated that even a marginal deficiency of Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B12, E, C biotin and folic acid can result in impaired development of skin cells that manifests itself in skin that is prone to lesions. Miracle Skin Care Cream Vytaliving’s skin care cream contains a unique formula enriched with aloe vera, Vitamin E and sunflower oil. The Bioclear Miracle Skin Care Cream is a no.1 best seller in press because people cannot get enough of its powerful health benefits. This unique formulation has triple action effect against dry skin. Firstly, it removes dead skin cells which cause the rough flaky appearance, then secondly it deeply nourishes the skin cells and finally it creates a barrier that seals in the formulation to prevent dry skin from re-occurring. Each bottle contains 100ml of cream for long-lasting use. Apply as a thin layer twice daily to the affected areas of the skin and gently rub. Below is a 2019 testimonial from one of our valued customers: ‘My elderly father has a rash which is due to medication he is taking and the GP had prescribed some moisturizing cream that just didn't seem to make any difference. This Miracle Skin Cream has really helped. My father has found that it has eased the itching and would recommend it. The service was excellent too as our order arrived the next day!’ Shop Now, Miracle Skincare Cream References,one%20study%20at%2013.8%25). Aesoph, Lauri M. A Holistic Approach to Skin Protection. Nutrition Science News 1998; V3, N4: 204-208 2. Boelsma, E et al. Nutritional skin care; Health effects of micronutrients and fatty acids. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2001; 73 (5): 853-64 3. Hoffman, Ronald L. The Holistic M.D.: Skin (Part One). Conscious Choice: The Journal of Ecology & Natural Living 1991; N.15; p.24
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